Company ShalnoFF / IE Shalnov V.A., AG INN: 526005471900

Company ShalnoFF / IE Shalnov V.A., AG

INN: 526005471900

Shalnoffs’ company was founded more than 10 years ago and we know by the experience that satisfying the partners’ needs should be part and parcel of each current or scheduled deal. We, having raised and accumulated highly skilled specialists in our company, guaranty you a well co-ordinated and precise work from our first dealership that is sure to retrench expenses and time of the client. That shows our company to be highly recommended, offering a wide choice of fresh frozen fish from Russian vendors. Now we seek to expand the range of goods by looking for new trading partners beyond the borders of the country. I’m sure we’ll find the proper way to develop strong and positive workspace.

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Vladimir A. Shalnov
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