Russian Far East’s pollock association to make marketing strategy for 2007

October 20, 2006 10:30

The Council of Association of Alaska Pollock Harvesters meeting on 19 October 2006 in Vladivostok has approved the draft guidelines for the organization’s future activities and has confirmed Mr. German Zverev as the association’s new executive director.

The guidelines are to be finalized at the next meeting of the organization numbering several dozens of member companies, which hold more than a half of the Alaska pollock quotas in the RFE.

The association was recently established in the wake of disappointment by poor roe prices due to non-coordinated marketing of APO products from “A” season earlier this year and the fishermen are seeking to work out a more consolidated position for the next seasons.

More specifically, in winter 2006 prices for Alaska pollock roe from RFE producers reportedly dropped to 6-7 USD per kilo compared to 11-12 USD per kilo in 2005 as non-regulated sale of APO roe had resulted into oversupply on the market.

Now the association is going to work out a consolidated price policy for particular pollock products as well as volumes of catch and the appropriate time to put the production on the market.

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