New trout farm to profit from huge investments in Russia’s Black Sea resort area

February 15, 2007 12:58

In late 2006 Krasnodar-based OOO Rosich I K (ltd) launched the first stage of its trout farm in the Abinsky District of Krasnodarsky Krai, according to the firm's deputy director Pavel Yastrebov. The move has been made to capitalize on the rising demand for trout from the restaurants of this highly popular resort area on the Russian Black Sea coast. The prospects are especially good in view of huge development of the region planned by the Russian government under the application to host the Olympic Games in 2014.

The farm has purchased and stocked ca.10,000 juveniles and it is planning to harvest 120-140 tonnes of trout by the end of the current year.

The second stage is to be commissioned in late March, while the third stage is to launched by October 2007. In order to complete the farm's construction and purchase eggs and juveniles Rosich is preparing papers to ask Rosselkhozbank for a bank loan of 40 million RUR, of which 32 million RUR will be spent for construction.

In the year 2007 the farm's trout harvest can reach 200 tonnes.

Rosich has already invested ca.60 million RUR into the trout farm project in the Abinsky district of Kuban. When launched at full swing the farm will annually produce 450-500 tonnes of trout.

Rosich was established in 2006 specifically in order to develop trout farming business.

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