Moscow hosted 24th session of Russian-Japanese Fisheries Commission

December 19, 2007 16:08

In December 2007 Moscow hosted 24th session of the Russian-Japanese Fisheries Commission where the sides discussed how to strengthen and develop mutually beneficial economical and scientific connections between fish businesses and organizations of the both countries, according to Russia's State Fisheries Committee.

Participants of the session strived for lifting trade restrictions and activating cooperation aimed at preventing IUU fishing practices. The Commission has considered the results of practical realization of the intergovernmental agreement dated 7 December 1984 on mutual relationship in the sphere of fishing operations off the Russian and Japanese shores.

The experts have exchanged information on fisheries in the sides' 200-mile zones. They have discussed the rules, fishery regulation measures and the routine of the vessels' operations in the EEZs of the both countries.

The sides have studied the results of the fishery inspection, considered cases of violation, held consultations on quotas and conditions for fisheries in the 200-mile zones of the both states. For the Russian vessels operating in the Japanese 200-mile zone the quota of longfin codling Laemonema has been increased by 450 metric tons or 16% on 2007.

As part of cooperation on research of the current condition of the aquatic biological resources, in 2008 the All-Japanese Association of Fishermen will give the Russian scientific and training organizations machines and equipment worth 3.65 million USD on a free of charge basis.

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