Russia's external fish and seafood trade indices for 2011

February 17, 2012 15:37

According to Russia's Federal Fisheries Agency, in 2011 Russia's import and export of fresh, chilled and frozen seafood (including fillets) showed opposite trends, reports

More specifically, import declined by 11.1%, while export rose by 7.2%.


Import of chilled and frozen finfish (including fillets) declined by 11.1% or 87,700 MT to 703,700 MT at the total value of USD 1,883.2 million. Import shipments to foreign countries decreased by 10.5% or 81,900 MT to 702,100 MT at USD 1,872.6 million, and shipments to CIS states declined by 78.4% or 5,800 MT to 1,600 MT at the total value of USD 10.6 million.

In 2011 Russia's total import of fish products (HSC group 03) amounted to 803,000 MT at USD 2.321 million. It was dominated by frozen seafood with the share of 56.1% or 451,000 MT, followed by fresh or chilled fish with 16% or 128,000 MT, fillets - 15.7% or 126,000 MT, shellfish - 7.2% or 58,000 MT, mollusks - 3.4% or 27,000 MT, dried or salted fish - 1.5% or 12,000 MT, live fish - 0.1% or 1,000 MT.

Import of ready-to-eat or canned seafood (HSC groups 1604 and 1605) amounted to 109,800 MT at the total value of ca.USD 299 million.


According to the customs statistics, in 2011 physical volumes of seafood exports to other than CIS states rose by 7.2%, while export to CIS countries jumped by 35.4%.

In 2011 export of finfish and other aquatic products (HSC group 03 taking into account data for mutual trade with Belarus) amounted to 1.721 million MT at the total value of USD 3,097,615. In volume terms the share of frozen seafood amounted to 91.4% or 1.572 million MT, fillets - 4.8% or 83,000 MT, shellfish - 2.2% or 37,000 MT, mollusks - 0.9% or 15,000 MT, fresh or chilled fish - 0.5% or 8,000 MT, dried or salted fish - 0.3% or 5,000 MT.

Export of ready-to-eat finfish and shellfish products (HSC groups 1604 and 1605) amounted to 25,100 MT at the value of USD 76.207 million.

In 2011 the share of processed and ready-to-eat seafood in export volume amounted to 6.5% or 113,700 MT, in import volume - 27.1% or 247,800 MT.

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