Murmansk seafood suppliers expanding export range

March 11, 2019 08:30

In 2018 Murmansk-based fishing companies started to export a number of new fish products to the international market, reports (welcome to our new marketplace

Last year they exported more than 190,000 metric tons of seafood, 2.5% up on 2017. The dominating regions of destination with the share of 96% or 182,000 tonnes were EU countries and China. Along with those regions as well as Japan, USA and Nigeria in 2018 Murmansk companies launched exports to Iceland and South Korea. The list of export articles was expanded with haddock skins and cod skins, stomachs and backbones.

In August 2018 Murmansk exporters began shipping live sea urchins harvested in the Barents Sea to Japan. Through the end of the year, the region’s veterinary officers checked and cleared for export four lots of 4.4 metric tons of live sea urchins and 49 lots of 9.8 tonnes of sea urchin roes.

In 2018 one fishing vessel was certified as compliant with the Japanese veterinary standards. In 2019 such certificates were approved for two Murmansk-based onshore companies engaged in shipments of live sea urchins and chilled urchin roe.

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