Export of fish and shellfish from Russian Far East in May 2012

May 21, 2012 09:21

Though May-June is the lowest season for exporters from Pacific Russia, still the product range traded has been wide enough with the main point of interest focusing on pollock fillet contracts with Europe.

Pollock and its products

The major season for APO catch was over a month ago, on April, 10 catch in Sea of Okhotsk was banned.  Some time later operations at East Sakhalin zone started.  However, pollock deliveries to Chinese and Korean ports are still under way.  This year prices didn't follow usual pattern, and there was no rise at the end of the A-season.  For a month price is oscillating around US$ 1,350 +/- $20 for MT of HG 25+ cm. 

APO Fillet prices have not been fixed yet.  Even worse, Chinese factories have not received enough orders from European buyers, and there is a risk that Chinese processors will not have a real opportunity to sell their fillet.  They just hope Europeans have no way out but to eat their fillet.  However, today fillet price supposes pollock HG price about $1,300, what is hardly possible.

Pollock roe sales situation is described in details in a special article.

Pollock milts became $10-15 cheaper at the end of the season.  The reason is obvious - too much product at Korean market and large stock from the previous year.  Producers who stockpiled their product till the end of the season lost.

Pink salmon

By this time producers have got rid of last year pink stock at Chinese warehouses.  Price $1,600-1,800 after eight months storage will help processors to compensate unfeasible pollock prices.

Other species

Summer is coming, and the other objects are harvested.  Sea urchin, halibut, skates are supplied to China and Korea in small volumes.  Crab and prawns are caught and supplied, price is good.

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