Invitation to fish international 2008

January 24, 2008 15:46

Dear Colleagues,

About 400 exhibitors from 40 different countries - fish international 2008 invites professional visitors from throughout Germany, Europe and overseas to the Bremen Exhibition Centre from Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12 February. For the first time with a partner country: Poland, plus some exciting premieres, technical innovations and forums that point to current trends and provide practical tips.

We would like to draw your attention to two items to which we warmly invite you: the official opening with the Parliamentary Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ursula Heinen, Bremen's Senator for Industry and Ports, Ralf Nagel and the Managing Director of fair organisers MGH Messe- und Ausstellungsgesellschaft Hansa GmbH, Hans Peter Schneider on

Sunday 10 February 2008 at 11.00h
Forum Hall 5, Bremen Exhibition Centre, Theodor-Heuss Allee 21-23
You also have the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the trade fair at a press meeting on
Monday 11 February at  11.00h
Forum Hall 5, Bremen Exhibition Centre
Please report to the Press Counter in the foyer of Hall 4

Here you will be able to talk to members of the industry in a relaxed atmosphere including: Andreas Kremer (Head of Corporate Communication, "Deutsche See"), Jürgen Bergmann (Marketing Manager, Stöver Frischdienst), Dr Christopher Zimmermann (Federal Research Institute for Fisheries), Marnie Bammert (MSC, Communications Officer, Marine Stewardship Council), Dr Matthias Keller (Chief Executive Fish Information Centre FIZ), and Lars Bank (Communications Manager, Metro Cash & Carry Deutschland).

We would also like to remind you to apply for accreditation either at  or by sending a short e-mail to

Best regards,
Jutta Never
MGH Messe und Ausstellungsgesellschaft Hansa GmbH, Press Office
Phone: + 49-421-3505-447, E-mail:

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