October 27, 2014 09:10

HB Grandi has seen its fair share of visitors recently and today’s visitors were a group of students from the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, along with programme leaders Tumi Tómasson, Thór Ásgeirsson and Mary Frances Davidson.

Marketing manager Brynjólfur Eyjólfsson and other key personnel welcomed the group.

The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme has been in existence since 1998 and is primarily financed by Iceland’s contribution to overseas development and funding from the United Nations University. The programme, which takes six months to complete, places emphasis on utilising knowledge and experience, and students are able to choose to specialise in quality management, aquaculture or stock assessment.

This time there are 21 students taking part from 15 countries, which are Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, East Timor, Ukraine, Cuba, St Vincent and the Grenadines, the Dominica and Jamaica.

The tour offered by HB Grandi began with an introduction to the company’s sales and marketing activities. Bergur Einarsson, quality manager at the Nordurgardur plant, as well as Halldor Petur Asbjörnsson and Jon Pall Gestsson, took the group for a tour of the Nordurgardur processing plant. Brynjólfur and HB Grandi's quality manager Erlendur Stefánsson finally gave the group a tour of Ísbjörninn, the new coldstore at Nordurgardur. 

‘It was a pleasure to welcome this group, as all of the students showed a great interest in Icelandic fisheries and the activities of Icelandic fishing companies. There were plenty of questions on a great many subjects, linked to catching, processing and marketing seafood products,’ Brynjólfur Eyjólfsson said.

Source: HB Grandi
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