Salmon season 2004 took off in Russia

June 6, 2024 16:45

On June 1, salmon fishery took off in the Kamchatka Territory, a leading salmon production region in Russia.

The first results were 6.4 metric tons of salmons, including 3.7 tonnes of sockeye and 2.7 tonnes of chinook salmon.

The Ust-Kamchatsky and Aleutian districts were the first to open fishing in river sections.

From June 5, commercial fishery will begin in the Kamchatka Gulf; from June 7 – in the Kronotsky Bay and in the rivers flowing into it. In other main fishing areas of the East Coast, the salmon season will open from June 15. On the West Coast, production on the main part of fishing sites in the marine area and on rivers will begin on July 11, with the exception of the Tigilsky district (from June 20). From July 1, fishing will open on the Ozernaya River, from July 15 – in the marine waters of the Opala and Ozernaya river basins.

The Pacific salmon harvest 2024 in the Kamchatka Territory is forecasted by the fisheries science at more than 167 thousand MT, with a total forecast for the Russian Far East of about 320 thousand MT. The expected runs of pink salmon are 68.1 thousand MT on the East Coast and 38 thousand MT on the West Coast.

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