Notice of Pacific Sardine Directed Fishing Closure

July 13, 2011 10:56

Based on the most recent Pacific sardine landings data it is estimated that the second allocation's directed harvest fishing total for Pacific sardine will soon be reached. Read the informational noticed announcement that directed fishing for Pacific sardine will close at 12:01 am Tuesday morning, July 12, 2011. Fishing vessels with Pacific sardine on board taken in the directed harvest fishery must be at shore/dock and in the process of offloading at the time of closure, according to Russian Fish Insider Report published by

After the effective time of the closure until September 15, 2011, Pacific sardine may only be caught/landed (i) as part of the live bait fishery, or (ii) when caught incidental to other species/fisheries, with incidental harvest constrained by a 30-percent by weight of all fish per trip.

This action is necessary because the directed harvest allocation total for the second seasonal period (July 1 - September 14) has been reached.

For any further questions please contact Mr. Josh Lindsay, National Marine Fisheries Service, at 562-980-4034 or by email at .

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