Big trout farming project in Tambov province taking shape

October 22, 2007 12:12

Governor of Tambov province Oleg Betin has recently met with designers of a regional investment project to discuss construction of a high-tech recirculation production complex on the premises of Chelnavsky fish farm to annually breed and process 3000 tonnes of ecologically safe rainbow trout, according to IA Regnum.

The project is based on the up-to-date developments of the world aquaculture and its design has been made in collaboration with the biologists from Tambov State University. The project has attracted two partners from Germany and one from Russia (OOO Rybnye Produkty (ltd) namely), which have many years of experience in the field on the domestic and European markets.

The level of trout consumption in Russia can be considerably increased. Meanwhile, own production in the country satisfies only a small proportion of the domestic demand and the potential of the Russian market is therefore quite high. Besides, the trout farmed in Russia is not only sold on the domestic market with a considerable part of the harvest exported to Europe where it has been enjoying a stable demand.

The project's designers say that it will pay back very soon as they believe there are no serious competitors in Russia so far. The province's governor has supported the idea to build a modern production complex and promised to assist in including the farm into the program of the priority national project "Development of Agroindustrial Complex" providing funds to compensate two thirds of the interest rates of the loans for the aquaculture industry.

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