Best suppliers of HoReCa sector in 2007 announced

March 6, 2008 16:31

La Maree Company has been announced "Best HoReCa Supplier 2007" in the competition conducted by Menu.Ru in late February 2008, according to media reports.

Along with La Maree, the award's nominants have also included Northern Company, Frigate, Food DeLuxe and Norge-Fish.

Metro Cash & Carry Russia has been announced "Best Universal Supplier 2007". This B2B company has won the prize in competition with Emborg.

The action which has been carried out for the second time is aimed at defining Russia's leading suppliers of HoReCa in 12 nominations. Russian producers and suppliers have taken part in the competition, while HoReCa representatives have voted for their famous companies on-line and off-line (via telephone and mail questionnaires). Menu team says it has polled ca.2000 restaurants of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Rostov-na-Donu, Vladivostok and Krasnoyarsk.

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