VIV/ILDEX India 2012

February 22–24, 2012

 Net Area: 3,000 square meters

Gross Area: 5,900 square meters

Exhibitor Profile:

  • Poulty Breeding/ Slaughtering/ Processing
  • Egg Production/ Processing
  • Feed Production/ Management
  • Animal Health
  • Fish Farming/ Aguaculture

Visitor Profile:

  • Livestock Farms
  • Aquaculture Farms
  • Equipment Suppliers/ Distributers
  • Meat Slaughtering Companies
  • Veterinarians
  • Reserch/ Consultancy
  • Feed Ingredients/ Additives/ Animal Health Companies
  • Distribution/ Wholesale/ Retail/ Trade of Meat (Products)
Place: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC), Bangalore India
Organiser: N.C.C. Exhibition Organizer Co., Ltd; VNU Exhibitions Europe BV.
Fax: +31 30 295 2701, +66 2 203 4250-1
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