International Arctic Fisheries Symposium

October 19–21, 2009

Managing Resources for a Changing Arctic
19-21 October 2009
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska

Purpose: To initiate international discussions for conserving and managing future fisheries in the Arctic Ocean including managing migratory, transboundary and straddling fish stocks.

The symposium will identify current management regimes in the Arctic region and how relevant scientific and fisheries data can be used to inform future management decisions.

The symposium will identify gaps in existing management regimes and potential steps to address those gaps, as well as the need for improved scientific programs to support conservation and management of future Arctic fisheries.

More than 200 persons are expected to attend, representing governments, fisheries agencies, and stakeholders.

MONDAY, october 19
0900-0945 Welcome, purpose and scope of conference
 Opening remarks
0945-1015 Sponsored health break
Overviews of climate impacts, resources, and uses
Impacts of climate change on the Arctic Ocean
Living resources: What lives there now or may live there?
Who uses it? - Panel to include industry and subsistence users
1230-1400 LUNCH with keynote speaker
1400-1530 Concurrent sessions: policy and science
Track 1 
International laws, commissions and management policies
Overviews of current situation and future trends in policy and management
Track 2 
Scientific perspectives on climate change and Arctic fisheries
Overview of science topics with representation from Arctic nations
1530-1600 Sponsored health break
1600-1730 Concurrent sessions continue:
Track 1 International laws, commissions, and management policies
Track 2 Scientific perspectives on climate change and Arctic fisheries
1730-1745 Closing remarks and preview of Day 2
TUESDAY, October 20
0845-0900 Call to Session
0900-1130 Gap analysis of national/international laws and management structures
1130-1300 LUNCH
1300-1500 Gap analysis of research, science and data availability
1500-1530 Sponsored health break
Future directions
Conservation and management of future Arctic fisheries
Possible steps to address issues such as transboundary stocks
Actions to ensure healthy fish stocks in central Arctic Ocean
1730-1745 Closing remarks and preview of Day 3
1900-2100 Sponsored reception
WEDNESDAY, October 21
0845-0900 Call to Session
0900-1100 Finding common ground: small group breakouts to discuss ways forward
1100-1130 Sponsored health break
1130-1230 Report of small group discussions
1230-1400 LUNCH
1400-1500 Facilitated discussion of recommendations and next steps
1500-1530 Closing remarks

Place: Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska
Organiser: Institute of the North
Telephone: 907-771-2443
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