Company Grand Ocean Star Co., Ltd, LTD

Company Grand Ocean Star Co., Ltd, LTD

Grand-Ocean-Star Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive consultant for Frozen Seafood, Canned seafood/Fruits and Dried seafood in China. We strive to lead our clients to the highest quality seafood factories today at the most competitive prices possible. We can provide information about various products including Vannamei shrimp, PUD red shrimp, Squid, Scallops, Surimi products, Fish fillets, Canned food, Dried food, Breaded seafood and other Value added products in various presentation. Our staff travel the whole china to get the information about what factories can pass your stringent quality control guidelines. It's through their depth of knowledge, diligence and exacting specifications that you're ensured the good products from china as per your specific requirement.
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Inna Yang
  Sales Manager
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