Company Allwin roto plast

Company Allwin roto plast

We are one of the fast developing manufacturers of Rotomolding plastic products. Our company is ISO 9001:2000 certified named Allwin Roto Plast, we made all products under brand name 'ALLWIN' situated at Ahmedabad in Gujarat,India. We are producing Insulated Ice Boxes and chilling pads of different sizes. Those products are useful to all ice cream industries, fishing industries, frozen food industries, pharmaceuticals industries etc. We are ale to deliver products that are capable of providing complete storage solutions to our client & always been acclaimed in the industry for our outstanding products, competitive prise & timely delivery. We use best quality virgin LLDP as raw material & best puff insulation. Our temperature maintaining capacity keeps us a step ahead from other manufacturers. We offer best quality product in competitive rates.
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Azib khan
  Marketing Head
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