Company Fotros heaven trading, AG INN: 6120612

Company Fotros heaven trading, AG

INN: 6120612
We are one of well-known seafood company and we have professional network for providing all orders of clients. Although our company is young, we have more than 15 years of experience in serving the local and international market. Our main areas of activity are process, export and wholesale distribution of farmed frozen shrimp as well as variety of fish such as Rainbow trout, Lizard fish, Ribbon fish, JTB fish and Cephalopods such as Cuttlefish and Squids, and also Caviar. Our high quality and premium seafood are exported to overseas such as China, Egypt, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, Vietnam, The Emirates and etc. Our relentless commitment, years of hard work and experience in delivering products with the highest standards has mirrored in our reputation in longlasting professional relationships with our valued customers across the world. Our principle policies are commitment to the customers, supreme quality products and consistency in our services.
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