Company LS International, AG

Company LS International, AG

Please allow us to introduce to you our company LS international Ltd. We pioneer in seafood sourcing, production, marketing and trading in Indian Seafood Industry more specifically in shrimp and sea fish catch - (VANNAMEI Shrimps(H/ON , H/L , PD , PDTO , PUD , PDC , PV etc.) -Squids(Whole, Whole Cleaned , Rings , Tubes etc.) -Cuttle Fish (Whole, Whole Cleaned etc) - Fishes(Silver Pomfret, Ribbon Fish, ,Indian Mackerel & many other fishes)) We facilitate the smooth trade for you including selecting the best suppliers, testing and quality along with packaging of your choice. The main objective of our business is customer satisfaction, we would like to serve the best shrimps and sea fishes at specific standards at market competitive prices. So we would like to put a proposal to partner with you on supply of our shrimps and fishes. We look forward to hear back from you. Please feel free to contact us , we’d love to make this a fruitful engagement and partner in the long run.
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