Company Caviar & Fish Club INN: 321476376

Company Caviar & Fish Club

INN: 321476376
CAVIAR & FISH CLUB ISRAEL, PROJECT BESTER, OSETR and AQUATIR COMPANY Caviar & Fish Club, is an importer and seller of sturgeon caviar (black caviar), scientific-industrial-agricultural enterprises "BESTER, STOETR and AQUATIR". These are enterprises of Ukraine and Moldova, engaged in the industrial cultivation of sturgeons in aquaculture. The main activities of the companies are the study and cultivation of sturgeon fish, as well as the production of high-quality black caviar (Caviar). The companies are improving using the latest technologies for the cultivation of sturgeon fish species (Sturgeon, family Acipenseridae) and production of black caviar (Caviar).
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Benyamin Leleev
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