Company K/S Knold's Seafood AB

Company K/S Knold's Seafood AB

We specialise in fresh, frozen and live seafood as well as w/r, g/g, loins, steak, saku, fish fillets from Sweden. Some species of seafood we supply include but not limited to king crab, spiny lobsters, Atlantic salmon, Greenland halibut, mullet, black tiger shrimp, octopus, mud crab, snow crab, Atlantic trout, Atlantic herring, capelin fish, Alaska pollock, mackerel, cod, tuna, pollock, snapper, oilfish, swordfish, fish maw, squid, skate, crab legs, saithe, fillets, vannamei shrimps, hake, haddock, clams, scallop meat, eel, tilapia, catfish, scad, flounder, pomfret, pangasius, cuttlefish, mahi mahi, parrotfish, escolar, marlin, wahoo, mussels, canned sardine, canned tuna, canned bonito, croaker, Atlantic herring, anglerfish, Dungeness crab, plaice, grouper, dry sea cucumber, barracouta, sole, oysters, abalone, scampi, live lobsters, milkfish, leatherjacket fish, seabass, king fish, crayfish, crawfish and others. EU certified plant, we can export to all markets.

For more details, visit our website at

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Martin Knold
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