Company Seaweeds INN: 51968610577

Company Seaweeds

INN: 51968610577
We are an export company of dried seaweed different varieties. Species: chicorea De mar. chondracanthus Chamissoi, lessonia nigrenscens, lessonia trabeculata, Macrocystis Pyrifera, Gigartina chamissoi, Gracilaria, chondrus Crispus, ulvlactuca, sea lettuce, Macrocystis integrifolia, sea moss, Chondracanthus tenellus. Gigartina tenella.sea moss.yuyo.mococho, chicoria de mar, Codium irish moss, sargassum, codium.sea cucumbers. patallus mollis, sodium alginate, brown kelp, Irish moss, Eisenia arborea. laminaria orchroleuta, seamoss. salicornia asparagus of the sea. salt grass We have two presentations available for human consumption for the industry. Agar.cosmetica. Carrageenan carragehen. We can supply large quantities dry seaweed volumes 10 to 200 per month? come in contact E-mail: Skype- wechat-cell phone-whatssap +51968610577
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