Company Ningbo Canful food industrial&trading

Company Ningbo Canful food industrial&trading

Company Information: We are a professional supplier for the various kinds of canned fishery foods and frozen seafood as below: 1) Canned Fishery products serious: Canned Mackerel in tomato sauce Cannes Sardine in tomato sauce Canned Sardine in vegetable oil Canned Tuna chunks in oil Canned Tuna Chunks in brine 2)Frozen seafood: Frozen Jack Mackerel whole round one Frozen Horse Mackerel whole round one Frozen Sardine whole round one We have a professional working staff team, Most of them are own almost ten years canned fishery products processing experience, with the strictly quality controlling system , we could delivery the goods timely and our products win a good reputation from our customers all over the world already. Thanks and Welcome to visit our company, please feel freely to contact us if you are interested in our products. Contact us through: Frank Wang/General Manager Mobile Phone:+86-15356057185 Office No:+0086-574-65812839 Ningbo Canful Food Industrial Co.,Ltd Address: Room No 392,Xingye RD,Free Trade Zone, Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province,China
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