Company King Pelagique

Company King Pelagique

King Pelagique Group. is a pelagic company with headquarters in the fishing port of Dakhla, Morocco , a very important port for pelagic. King Pelagique S.A. is part of a fishing Moroccan group with more than 20 years of experience in the market. The excellent location of the company, just a few miles from one of the richest fishing grounds on earth, gives King Pelagique Group. not only the advantage for the maintenance of high quality in all our products, but the possibility of having our vessels to discharge almost everyday, satisfying the quality requested and the quantity of orders.

As we know the importance of quality in the final product, our RSW vessels have been fitted with the most sophisticated and recent equipments, to ensure sustainable method of fishing and cooling in first class quality.

In order to provide and maintain high quality products, we rely on the back-up of our excellent cooling equipment on board; we are capable of maintaining the fish down to -2 º C. Our product complies with all traceability exigencies, maintaining the temperature at below 0ºC in all process up to packing and freezing in our processing plants.

Our main products are Sardine (Pilchard walbum) WR and HGT, Sardinella WR and HGT, we work with local canneries.

A dedicated team of experts are on hand to ensure that your order is dealt with in as smooth and efficient manner as possible. Our experience in international trade helps to ensure that all documentation and finance arrangements can be dealt quickly and thoroughly. The company can offer a complete logistics solution from catching, to processing, to cold storage, to shipping and delivery

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