Nghi Son Aquatic Product Import Export Company

Nghi Son Aquatic Product Import Export Company

We would like to introduce that we are Nghi Son Group ( Nghi Son Food Jsc & Nghi Son Aquatic Products Exim., Ltd ) . We are supplier and exporter frozen seafood and Agricutural from Viet Nam. With more than 30 years experience and family tradition in seafood business we know how to manage and give best supply chain from catching raw material, transporting , freezing, packing to delivering finished products to customer not only have best quality also restrict the lowest cost. Now, we are very proud that our product bring brand name “Nghi Son” have been represented on all supply chain market/wholesale stores in Vietnam. After getting many success in domestic market. We develop and expand our business into international market. That is the reason for the birth of Nghi Son Aquatic Product Exim., Ltd Nghi Son Aquatic Product Exim.,LTD is developed on back ground of Nghi Son Food Jsc with the noble mission bring our delicious food to every family on over the world
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Rin Vo
  Export Sales Executive
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