Company ASA group of companies INN: 7328506256

Company ASA group of companies

INN: 7328506256

In 2008, a modern fish processing plant was built on the territory of Ulyanovsk. From the first days, the company mastered the production of new types of products for the market. The company's management set an ambitious goal to produce high-quality products mainly from Russian raw materials. Modern equipment and technologies are used in the production of products. At all stages of production: - freezing, storage, defrosting, primary processing, production of finished products, packaging; we use modern equipment and automatic lines, which allows us to produce consistently high-quality products. Individual approach to each of our clients and long-term partner relations allow us to produce a wide range of products. Every year, our technologists develop and introduce new positions for the market. Ambitious ideas and strong partnerships are what help our company develop dynamically !!!

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