Company Nghi Son Aquatic Products Exim Co., Ltd, LTD

Company Nghi Son Aquatic Products Exim Co., Ltd, LTD

NGHI SON AQUATIC PRODUCTS EXIM CO., LTDis a leading Supplier of frozen seafood in Viet Nam. With the advantage of rich marine resources and high product quality, we have really developed significantly in Viet Nam and all over the world

Our main products:

- FRESHWATER FISH: Pangasius/Tra/Basa Whole Round, Tilapia, Snack Head, etc.

- ORDER FOOD: Panga Fillet, Pre-Cooked Tuna Loin, Tuna Fillet, Barramundi fillet, etc.

- SEAWATER FISH: Mackerel, Tuna, Yellow Tail Scad, Layang Scad, Sardine, Pomfret, Barramundi, Mahi Mahi, Snapper, Etc.


- DRIED SEAFOOD: Anchovy, Baby Shrimp,  Round Scad, Sardine, Squid and much more


Based on good quality items, stable capacity as well as very good prices, we really hope that we both parties could have a chance cooperating together in the future.

We always consider your company as mutual partner for long-term business. Hopefully we could start the win-win relationship very soon.

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Quy Nguyen
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