Company Bleumarine

Company Bleumarine

For the attention of purchasing manager BLEUMARINE Poissons de Prestige installed 2007 in Casablanca FELLETTI DUILIO 30 years experience trading fish Emilia Romagna region We can provide you with fresh fish PAGEOT ROYALredbanded seabream CERNIA yellow merouWHITE GROUPER, TUB GURNARD,DENTEX,UMBRINE,POLYPUS,GILTEHEAD SEABREAM, MARBRE striped marbre ,ROUGETS red mullet,LOUP BARS SPIGOLA seabas,RASCASSE scorpion fish,SAINTPIERRE john dory,DENTEX common dentex,PESCE SPADA swordfish, etc. ... or catch the second season by air direct flight Casablanca> dest ?,00h daily . many possibilities' of transit by ..... We collect the fish daily (line with small-scale fishing boats, day trips) with various collaborators in a band of coast from Tangier to Laayoune to carefully selecting only the best quality 'for export. (other dest. local market) Should you need any further information ,please do not hesitate to contact us and our sales rapresentative will call on you. often being one of us in Italy. We look forward to hearing from you soon Yours trully FELLETTI DUILIO Contacts Whatsapp-viber-imo gsm +39 335 211069 gsm +212 619 640 442
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