Company R.K.Ice and Cold Storage

Company R.K.Ice and Cold Storage

R. K. ICE & COLD STORAGE is established in 1988, registered under HAACP, E. I. A (Eport Inspection Agency) code no. 260 & MPEDA (The Marine Products Export Developmaent Authority) . From the year 1988 it is exporting it's products. We are the exporter of each & every sea food products. We export our product in given demand by the buyer regarding it's quality and its price. We mainly export our products in Europe, Egypt, china and North America. We are the largest manufacturer as well as exporter in our fisheries association as well as in competition. We are in the control of 150 boats in Gujarat state. We have the latest processing machineries as well as better quality. Our product can compete in international Market. Trade fare for fisheries which was held in Spain by the spanish govt. , our product got the highest complementry and it was awarded for it's quality. Currently we are giving our most effort in SURIMI and IQF products. We always try in giving maximum satisfaction to our buyers and we are always been successful in that. We also promise that we will be your best supplier.
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