Company Klimini Club, LLC

Company Klimini Club, LLC

About company. In 2015, the company «Laostra» appeared in the Moscow market of live seafood, and thanks to the freshness and quality of our products, we have won their regular customers, both among retail customers, as well as among Moscow restaurants. We offer our customers only the freshest seafood, as well as related products, such as Italian pasta, Asian noodles, a variety of sauces and beverages. We understand that is rather difficult to maintain the freshness of seafood away from their natural habitat. That is why the philosophy of our company: "Because of the sea - to the table." We have a unique life-support system, where sea creatures feel "at home". With this, we guarantee the freshness of our products, regardless of the time of year, weather conditions and other phenomena. Not so many companies in Moscow are ready to offer the delivery of live seafood at home, in the office or at the event. We love our customers, because to us the company's reputation is a key factor in the work, and we tried to make the most convenient service. We will deliver to you only fresh seafood that you can treat yourself and your loved ones.

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