Company Asean Viet Nam seafood Co.,LTD

Company Asean Viet Nam seafood Co.,LTD

As a frozen seafood exporter and a full-service provider, we process and deliver the premium frozen seafood products to the international markets according to customers’ own specifications such as customized packaging, private labeling etc. Our main products include pollock, salmon, flounder, sole, cod, hake, scallop, clam etc. Our premium frozen fillet products have been well claimed in USA, EU, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Japan and South Korea. In order to meet the growing global demand, we have recently established our North America regional office in Canada to deliver better and more reliable services to our customers around the world. We strongly believe our abundant business experience, high quality products, competitive pricing and most importantly, the customer-first mentality are the key satisfactions to our customers!
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