Company Naziya Co., Ltd.

Company Naziya Co., Ltd.

Fish-processing factory with EU number. Manufacture is at coast of Ladoga lake, on a distance of 50 km from a St.-Petersburg. Highway Murmansk- St.-Petersburg passes nearby.After reconstruction in 2005-2006 the area of the factory has reached 1300 sq.m.,  900 sq.m. of them are industrial premises. Established equipment: 4 refrigerators with the volume-400 m3  ; 50 m3; 50 m3 ; 40 m3, quick-frostier with the capacity of 3 tones of fillet a day, ice generator (3 tones a day); 2 scales clearing  machines with the capacity-500 kg/hour. 

After reconstruction, calculated capacity of the factory on release of finished goods reached - 3 tons a day. Additional freezing chamber on 3 tones of fillet was installed in 2007.  In June, 2006 the company received EC-number 55K. For manufacture of a fillet the company uses a fish extracted in Ladoga lake. The company has annual quotas on: the pike perch, the perch, white-fish, pike, etc. Extraction is carried out both by company’s and the involved vessels, and also by coastal brigades of fishermen. But it is alsow possible to prosess  conterparty's row-fish on the company equipment.

The fillet is made from a fresh fish with the further IQF processing in the low-temperature chamber. Delivery of a frozen fillet to the European buyer is carried out by the car-refrigerator, cooled fillet - by an air transport.
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