

Ocean Treasure is an international leading seafood export in China. We are qualified to supply a wide range of seafood products, especially seafood from Asia. Our multilingual professionals well receive the specific needs from clients, conduct precise and swift communications, and consequently convey satisfaction both from products and services. Our activities: Ocean Treasure Foods Limited processes and delivers frozen seafood to the international market according to our client's specifications. Our products cover the following categories: FISH PRODUCTS: Tilapia, Panga, APO, Cod, Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Salmon, etc. CEPHALOPODS: Squid tubes, Squid rings, Baby squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish, etc. SHRIMPS: Red Shrimps, Pink Shrimps, Shrimps Vannamei, etc. BI-VALVES PRODUCTS: Scallops, Mussels, Clams SURIMI: Surimi sticks, Crab claws imitation, Lobsters imitation, etc. SPECIALTIES: Coated fishes, Sliver fish, Seafood mix, etc. Ocean Treasure conveys customer satisfaction from product design and development, packaging design, production management, quality control and assurance, export documentation, and shipping coordination. Services: For all our orders, we can provide: Assistance with the packaging design—a full audit of the factory. Full Product specification sheet. Full QC sheet of the order. Any complementary documents requested by the client. All advice on compatibility of factories of your orders (EU Numbers, accreditations, MSC products availability, etc...)

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Oliver D Nikolovski
  Marketing Director
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What is MEGAFISHNET.COM? is a global fish and seafood marketplace with an emphasis on APPROVED SUPPLIERS from such major sources as China, Russia, Vietnam, Europe, Americas, etc. More details →