Company Black Tiger Corporation

Company Black Tiger Corporation

Greetings from Black Tiger Corporation of Bangladesh a concern of “Black Tiger Group”, dealing with seafood export & distribution. We would like to invite you for some offers and want you being advised about of high quality of products as Fresh, Natural and Delicious from Bangladesh with a complying certification of HACCP, USFDA, EU, ISO and BRC. We can satisfy you with the products you are looking for. Our products and season are as follows for your future reference. · Black Tiger Shrimps (Penaeus Monodon) (Season- March to November). · Fresh Water Scampi (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii) (Season- August to March). · Brown/Grey Shrimp (Metapenaeus Monoceros) (Season- August to February). · Sea Water White (Penaeus Indicus) (Season- October to March) We would like to request you if you have any requirement in above product please feel free to email us to get best offer. We can offer you several items like HOSO, HLSO, EZ Peel, PUD, PND, PDTO and SKEWER in Block Frozen or IQF, Raw, Blanched or Cooked. Surely we can satisfy you with the products, price, quality and payment terms you are looking for. Please advise your opinion. Hope we could able to establish a strong and long term business relationship with you. Sincere regards Jaman Director Cell: +880 171 503 2729 E-Mail: Black Tiger Corporation Irani Plaza, Commercial Plot-2, K.D.A Avenue, Khulna-9100, Bangladesh Tel: +88041 723565, 723138, Fax: +88041 732035
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