Company CTLE Seafood, Inc.

Company CTLE Seafood, Inc.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please allow us to introduce our company CTLE Seafood, Inc to your good selves.  We are a frozen seafood  company located in Canada with our branch office in Dalian, China and representatives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, India and South America.  We handle vast range of products from highly value added to low priced frozen processed products from Canada, USA, China, India, Iceland, Norway, Chile, Peru and Vietnam.  Besides frozen, we also deal in light salted, wet salted and dry salted fish and squid products.  All plants are HACCP compliance and EU approved plants.

To learn more about us please visit our website:

We look forward in having the chance to build long term business relations with your company.
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Amyn Farid
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