Company R/K Vostok-1, JSC, AG INN: 2536010639

Company R/K Vostok-1, JSC, AG

INN: 2536010639

Our speciality is ecologically clean frozen fish and seafood: Grenadier, Pacific cod, Greenland turbot, Pacific halibut, Perch, Skates, deep sea and other crabs. The company's vessels fish in the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, and the Sea of Japan. Vostok-1 exports its products to fish markets of Russia, Japan, China, South Korea, the USA, and a number of European countries. The status of a large Russian fishing company is confirmed by the participation and permanent membership of Vostok-1 in the Association of Fisheries Enterprises of Primorye, a member of the All-Russian Association of Fisheries Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Exporters. We are proud of work and its results serving for the good of customers.

Establishments and Vessels with EU Approval:

EU No. 66B, Vostok-1 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 46L, Vostok-3 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 76L, Vostok-4 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 29M, Vostok-5 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 35P, Vostok-6 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 36P, Vostok-7 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 81R, Vostok-8 (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 51S, Triumf (Freezing vessel)

EU No. 58M, Vostok Reefer (Reefer vessel)

EU No. 40K, Ostrov Iony (Reefer vessel)

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