Company Leading Fresh Food, Co., Ltd, LTD

Company Leading Fresh Food, Co., Ltd, LTD

We are Leading Fresh Food Co., Ltd, founded in 2006, a trading company specialize in Aquatic products, fruit & vegetable's import and export business. Our head office located in Zhanjiang, southern China, the major base of Tilapia & Vannamei white shrimp, which we supply from our affiliated factories; our branch office in Dalian/Fujian where can help to source a whole range of products in China. Presently, we are distributing our products as far as to US, EU, Canada, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Mexico, Australia, Korea etc.   We assure your satisfaction with our products: the quality and the freshness of the products, the industry standard and guidelines of the processing are in line with the international standards.   Hope we can establish our long terms friendship and business relationship on peace and mutual benefit. We would like to supply you with our high quality products and good services.

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Sunny Koo
  Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China
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