Company Alima Seafood

Company Alima Seafood

Has entered the fisheries sector in 2009. İn 2011 in an closed area of 12.500 m2 our 6000 m2 factory equipped with the latest technology started processing. At the same time developing it’s aquaculture by establishing new off-shore aquaculture cage systems in dam lake basins of Malatya, Elazığ end Tunceli for continuation of it’s activities. The construction of the hatchery facility in the town of Kahramanmaraş Elbistan is going on. Accordance with the demands of our customers; fresh refrigirated, gutted frozen, filets and smoked fish are produced in our factory. İn order to guarantee the success and sustainibility of the production. ALİMA fishery products works with the principle of honesty and quality in service.

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