Company Megaproyectos Seafood Chile

Company Megaproyectos Seafood Chile

Megaproyectos Seafood Chile

We are a chilean company, located in Puerto Montt city, specialized in seafood , Minerals and Metallurgy. We are able to provide any kind of product available in Chile and other south American countries (through a huge range of companies working wiht us) at good prices and always with the best quality. We offer an integral service in the process of export or import the product with all the logistic, trafic, quality control.

Our products:

- Fresh and Frozen Atlantic Salmon H/ON, HG, FilletsTrim C,D, E , Portions,Belly Flaps, Blocks, Burgers, Scrap Meat

- Smoken Atlantic Salmon Fillet and Salmon Slice vaccum pack

- Rainbow Trout HG ,Fillets Trim C, D, E, Portions

- Salmon Coho HG ,Fillets Trim C

- Chilean Sea Bass WR, HGT

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Christian Suarez Q
  General Manager
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