Company Fresh On Time Seafood

Company Fresh On Time Seafood

Offering Frozen Yellowfin Tuna Loin and Steak Dear Sir or Madam , We are a company specialized in processing various frozen seafood products and part of a group of companies with over 25 years of experience in exporting seafood for markets in US, European countries, Australia, Japan, Middle East, and other Asian countries. Right now we are in position to quote you Frozen Yellowfin Tuna with CO-treated on very competitive prices for shipment in the end of September 2012. Our certifications, registrations and licenses include : -BRC certificate (annually validated and audited) -HACCP certificate, audited every 2 years by competent authority -FDA registration, EU registration number, Russia Export Number Please advise if you have any requirement at present and we will be glad to forward complete competitive quotation for your consideration. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at Looking forward to your favorable consideration and response. Best Regards, Iryan Cendra (Ms.) Fresh On Time Seafood, PT Phone : +62 21 823 3817 (ext. 123) Fax : +62 21 823 3806 Email : Website :
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Iryan Cendra
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